How to Run a Public Meeting

07/23/2021 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM ET


  • Free


Webinar link will be emailed to registered attendees the day before the webinar.


Every public library has public meetings. How can a board president run an effective, efficient and OMA compliant meeting? This session will review the "anatomy" of a public meeting and offer tips for pain-free meeting management, as well as a handy cheat-sheet for Roberts Rules.


Public meetings are part ceremony, part repetition and part uncomfortable family gathering. They are all important. At their best they are an excellent example of American democracy and the Constitution at work. At their worst, they are a circus worthy of the most extreme reality show. Most are somewhere in between. What makes for a smooth board meeting that complies with necessary laws and doesn't last for hours? This session will discuss the structure of a public meeting and provide tips and resources to help a board president facilitate business and ensure everyone is heard.

Participants in this session will be able to identify the necesary components of a public board meeting.

Participants in this session will be able to describe the essential parliamentary procedures used in public meetings

Participants will be able to identify policies that should be adopted in bylaws to facilitate public meetings.

Instructor information: Clare Membiela, Library Law Consultant, Library of Michigan

The webinar link will be emailed to registered attendees the day before the webinar begins.