Narcan in Michigan Libraries - What the new law means

07/12/2019 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM ET


  • Free



This webinar will go through the newly enacted Narcan legislation and provide libraries with an introduction to what they need to consider when developing a Narcan policy.


In June, Governor Whitmer signed into law a series of bills designed to permit government entities - including public libraries- to obtain and administer NARCAN and other opioid antagonists without fear of liability. This webinar will go through the new legislation and provide libraries with an introduction to what they need to consider when developing a Narcan policy.

Participants will learn:

- The history behind the new Narcan law.
- The requirements of the new law.
- Things libraries should consider when determining a Narcan policy.

Instructor: Clare Membiela, Library Law Consultant, Library of Michigan